Students intending to take up a programme of study in the School of Business & Public Policy must take up the Foundation of Business Management programme in their first year of enrolment at the University. Students will stream into their preferred programme of study upon successfully completing the Foundation of Business Management programme with a GPA of 1.75 or better, and upon attaining the required grades in the Foundation Year Pre-requisite Course (s) of a given Programme of Study. Streaming into a programme of study is not automatic, as it is based on merit, the quota allocated for each programme and other selection criteria set by the school. It is strongly advisable that students seek advice from the School/Head of Division/Course Advisors, whilst in their Foundation Year for progression into second year and streaming purposes. 

Entry Requirement

Foundation of Business Management 

In order to be eligible to enrol into Foundation of Business Management programme, an applicant must have:

(i) secured ‘C’ grade or better in Language and Literature, ‘B’ grade or better in General Mathematics or ‘C’ or better in Advance Mathematics, and 

(ii) secured an overall GPA of 2.50 or better, obtained from four subjects/courses, including two core 

subject/courses: i.e., Language and Literature and General Mathematics/Advance Mathematics, and 

any elective subjects/courses from Science or Humanities or Business branches.

(Note: In the 2016-2017 National Selection ,there was a total of 188 students selected at the cut 

of GPA of 3.2 and above). 

Progression to Year Two of Studies:

The following programmes are available for those who have completed Foundation of Business 

Management programme of the School:

1. Diploma in Accounting (Internal and External mode)

2. Diploma in Business Management (currently only external)

3. Bachelor of Accounting (Internal and External mode)

4. Bachelor of Business and Management majoring in (Banking and Finance, Business Management, Public Policy Management, Strategic Management, Tourism and 

 Hospitality Management)

5. Bachelor of Economics (Internal mode only).

Apart from the above programmes, the School of Business & Public Policy is also offering Bachelor of 

Business Management (Professional Studies) in Human Resource Management and Public Policy 

Management strands/disciplines. This programme is designed only for professionals already in the 

workforce and having completed required minimum educational qualification and work experience in the relevant area, as specified by individual divisions. Please contact the School for more detailed information.


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